I am deeply in love with a beautiful, sweet, smart, and wonderful Ukrainian girl. She has completely stolen my heart. I wish I could tell her exactly what is in my heart, but I can't. There are too many years between us, and it just doesn't seem appropriate. It is really frustrating to know that you have met a soul mate, but to also realize that you can never be more than "just friends."
Found by Sera at 1:01 am
This is the third time I have received this EXACT same message. Now, I will admit, I have gotten a lot of oceangrams, but I can't believe that he sent only three messages out and that I happened to get them all. My guess is that some of you out there have gotten these notes, too. He (or someone) is spamming the virtual ocean.
Is this about promoting mail order brides? I don't believe this "guy" wrote this many messages because he was lovesick. I may be wrong. Please post comments here if you have received this same message and let me know what you think.
too soon to judge, not clear what the return will be but IF one can use oceangrams fro ads or two way communcation, yeah, there is gonna be spam.
WHOA!! wow thats freeky.. I got 2 ocean grams to COREY.. some love sick girl named sarah.. freeky.. she mmust have sent like a lot of t hem 4 me to get2 of them!!! freeky how that happens!
Possibly. Most of it is "Spam" anyway - as its messages that you get unwanted. Like things about peas, or someone giving birth or that they are bored silly in New Zealand.
I've sent a dozen out - waiting to see if anyone gets them. :)
Yeah, actually, before the forum groupies invaded there was more general talk. I do wish people would keep their cliques out of it, but that's just me.
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