"I saw a ship go sailing by, go sailing by, go sailing by.I waved and waved, but I couldn't get their attention. I'm still marooned on this beautiful island. But the bottles keep floating in." ~Anonymous Oceangram Stories reader

These are responses to my post "Hey! There's something new in the ocean!" ~Sera
"The pirate ship advertising costumes for halloween? If so I saw it." ~Muleshoe, Texas 09-29-06
"Do you mean the ship? I saw it when I first logged on but haven't seen it since. I'd like a few dolpins or whales if anyone is listening......." ~Anon.
"Just saw the ship tonight!! Neat!!" ~Anon.
"I seen the ship and tried to click on it, but alas it just went by.. My sons sit and stare at the screen hoping for it to come back." ~Anon.
Jenn from South Carolina wrote:
Hi Sera, In response to, "There's something new on Oceangram". I just saw the ship pass by on my screen for the first time, and like you, no one told me about this either. :) I think its a wonderful addition to the Oceangram website. I hope its a permanent addition. I'm glad it was added. :) ... Are you the one that put together the oceangram website? If so, I enjoy it so much. Its very addictive.My answer to Jenn:
Hello Jenn,
Yes, you are right! I was talking about the ships : )
In answer to your question, I'm not the one who created Oceangram. The creator and the head of Oceangram.com is Shawn Kashou from Texas. He has promised to give us "the story of Oceangram" soon, but he and his team are pretty busy innovating and keeping up with the demands of the site at the moment. Look for more great surprises in the future!
Thanks for your comments and your email. : )
As for me, I'm the "president" of the Oceangram "fan club" you could say. I discovered Oceangram.com just like everyone else. When I found it, in the beginning of August, it was only a couple of months old. At the time there were less than 40,000 "bottles delivered" (and, as of right this moment, there are now 3,141,280!)
I created a blog called "Professional Time Waster" where I first posted about Oceangram. I eventually decided to see how many Oceangrams I could post in a two-day period and created Oceangram Stories to have a place where people could find Oceangrams and comment on them.
When Oceangram went down in mid-August, I discussed the situation with Shawn Kashou and posted the latest news about it so people were informed. Oceangram Stories then became the "official blog" of Oceangram. It is now an online community where Oceangrammers come together to find messages and find out about Oceangramming and about each other.
When I first found Oceangram, being a teacher, I was very excited about the educational possibilities of the site. Just as teachers use "Where's George?" to track the travel of currency with their classes, Oceangram could be used in a number of ways to help students learn. As it is yet unmoderated, Oceangram isn't ready for children to use by themselves. In the meantime, I am working on another blog that will help teachers, parents, and homeschoolers use Oceangram's virtual "Message in a Bottle" for school projects and in other fun ways. What a perfect way for students to interact with each other and learn about the world!
Anyway, I'm glad you all enjoyed seeing the ships, as I did. : )
Take care and Happy Oceangramming!
~Sera Kate
1 comment:
The site went downhill really fast once the children and perverts took it over. It was supposed to be for a "message," but few know what a "message" is, and were only writing a word, or a sentence, or just plain rubbish, profanity, racist remarks, and a lot of filth concerning anatomy. Nothing was done about it. I suggested Shawn charge for it's use, but never heard from him. Now, it's been shut down since before Easter. So sad, as the waves were calming for this disabled, housebound person. Don't see why Shawn didn't make it impossible to write certain words, etc., as other sites do. It got really raunchy, especially with the "Mumsnet" crowd coming to it with their trash talk, which got "Mumsnet" owner sued. I presume it's not coming back on-line?
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