OK...I'm extending the "contest" until I get some good guesses in. You still have a chance! Comment here or send me an email at oceangramstories at yahoo dot com.
When do you think the one millionth oceangram will arrive, and on whose beach? Give me your guesses before August 18, 2006 at 1:00 pm GMT, and I will post your guess on this blog. Please let me know the name or ID you want me to use when you guess, and tell me where you are from.
If you need helping converting your time to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), use this Time Zone Converter or Time Zone Map.
Right now, my Oceangram beach shows 806,045 bottles delivered. What does yours say?
And what is your guess?
Happy Oceangramming!
I think it will be Saturday the 19th and wash up in Canada.
*Waving at Sera from the bottleparty.* I think it will arrive on Sunday afternoon. And the US seem more likely to me.
And if I may add, the winner can achieve special rank of "bottle millionaire" at the Bottleparty, too, if he likes.
Hey, Sera, I invited you to the "jury" in our similar contest. Seen it? :-)
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