Batman loves Robin!Romeo loves Juliet. Tristan loves ISolde.

What do you think about Nicco and Morra?
I hope you have enjoyed this selection of Lovegrams. If you have more "Marriage Proposals" and "Love Declarations", feel free to comment here and link to them, or send me an email and I will post them in the archives for their intended target to discover someday.
I'm sorry, I know it isn't convenient, but...
I love you.
Aww thanks but I'm in love with someone else!
Here, let me offer you a tissue. Hope it doesnt get wet in this bottle. I'll be praying that your true love finds you. Trayce
Love is Good!!
I'm in love with someone else but I do love you too!!
®/BBOT SarahRocks!
I'll love you if you like ;)
I'll love u long time, for 10 dollars!
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie .. thats AMORE!!
i'd burn this bottle if i had matches.
julien lilley was my true love but he thought i was too young at 15... still cry about him now and i am 29. I am happily married but julien was my first true love. i hope to meet him somday just to see how we have changed.
You've taken my hand.
As a caring friend,
Though it takes time to show it.
You seeded the start,
A growing of heart.
I wonder if you know it.
The heart behind mind,
Reaching and kind,
When you aren't thinking of it.
If I saw your eyes,
Would I find surprise,
When you learn I've learned to love it?
As I write here,
The thing that I fear,
Is that love I've needed,
Will be superceded,
By the steady thoughts you hold dear.
why does it say "undefined" bottles delivered now?
Tony Mooney, TMoonhead, ADMoon, Chief, Bubba...all one in the same and I love you without end...It has been 4 1/2 very long years and I think of you everyday and keep you in my prayers. I wonder what will stop the sparks once our eyes meet again. You are a missing part of me and your absence has left a hole in my heart. KH
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