I just wanted to share this story ...My aunt died about 2 years ago, and I've been missing her like crazy. So I put in a bottle, Aunt Mar I miss you and love you. I minimized the screen and left the computer...5 minutes later a bottle was sitting at the shore and this was the message I got back. Its the last 5 words that mean the most to me:
i know you must be a lovely person, so go out and show it!!!! life is short, live it to your fullest.... good luck with life, wonder if i know you?
Thank you for this website...I know I may just be reaching for contact with my aunt...but this meant the world to me right now.
This story was sent to Oceangram on August 4, 2006
Archives From the Sea...

She was very gentle but fought this horrid disease with everything she had.
Visualize your mother to say goo-bye.
Get off by yourself in a quite peaceful setting. Take ten deep, deep slow breaths while relaxing. Then imagine in your mind you and your mother togather when you were talking in the past. As you remember this, insert your love into the conversation.....then tell her good-bye with an "I Love You' on the end.
Do this as often as you need to have peace of mind...&..don't worry; It will work!
That is a hard one. I did get to say good by to my Dad, but I still miss him so very much. I also talk to Dad and tell him about the things that are going on or how I am feeling or just to say I love you Daddy. You never know if they hear you or not, but I feel that he does, because of somethings that have happened after our chats.
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