Oceangramming Forums
The new "Where to Find Oceangrammers: Update #6" is finished. Welcome to our new forums and thank you to everyone who provided a link. Be sure to get your own forum listed by commenting on that post. Remember to provide as much detail as possible. I will update the list by next Friday and publish on Saturday.Also, the first Oceangram forum to be featured on this blog will be Bottle Party tomorrow. Next week, the Oceangram Stories Group will be featured. If you would like to nominate your forum to be the next in line, please comment here or drop me an email. I will choose forums to feature based on the number of Oceangrammers that participate and the interest level of the group. Oceangrammers are a diverse group of people! It's fun to see the forums that get "hooked" every week. : )
Oceangram Archives Website
Don't forget to visit the Oceangram Archives. The best way to search the archives is using Blogger's search tool "search this blog" which can be found at the top of the blog on the grey navbar. It works quite well if you're looking for particular keywords in oceangrams. Or you can browse the archives by viewing "recent post" titles in the drop-down menu.Our archivers Sunny and Lynn, post oceangrams there regularly as do I. If you are interested in being an archiver, you must be an active member of Oceangram Stories yahoo group first. Just shoot me an email if you meet the qualifications and are interested.

Here are some recent site stats for this blog. I was surprised and delighted by the number of foreign language blog visitors we have! Of course, English-language visitors make up the largest portion of our readers, but 21% of visitors are foreign-language speaking. Ten percent are Russian-speaking. Здравствулте! (I hope that says hello in Russian. : )
Welcome to all of our foreign language visitors!
Foreign Language Blogs and Forums
This is a request for help from any foreign-language speaking Oceangrammers out there. I would like to start a blog in each of the above languages, but the blog must be run by a native-speaker. If you are interested, please contact me. I am especially looking for Japanese and Russian speakers right now, but I'm interested in all language groups.
Also, Bottlewriter from Bottle Party is looking for foreign-language forum moderators as well. She and I will be collaborating on this project. Please email either of us for information or comment here.
Language Features
I will be doing a regular language feature for the blog, also. The feature will give tips on how to recognize and translate the various languages you might see in Oceangrams. Since Japanese seems to be the most prevalent lately, this will be the first language featured. I will use my limited knowledge of the language as well as resources from the internet, but speakers of the language and translators are invited to email me with input. (PLEASE! ; )
Contest Coming Soon!

On Wednesday, I will announce two "contests" and some new features I've come up with for Oceangrammers. The key word is "witwimo." Stay tuned!
If you have a story to share about Oceangramming, feel free to submit it by email to Oceangram or Oceangram Stories.
Happy Oceangramming!
can anything be done about the long wait between bottles?
There shouldn't be too long of a wait anymore. If there is, you should look at the "usage troubles" section of oceangram.
There are some tips there to follow and there is a form to fill out if you still are having trouble.
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