Yes, I am very much in love. I have a wonderful husband and the sweetest
daughter. I have been so blessed to have such wonderful people to call my
Yes, I am in love - and I'm a newlywed, just 25 and 1/2 years and it keeps
getting better all the time. Most of it is in the attitude and the
I'm madly in love with my sexy soldier!
And my 2 beautiful kids!
uh huh in missouri ussa
Yes I am with the same wonderful guy for the last 35 yrs.
Yup I'm deffo in love, been with him 5yrs in march..getting married in
18mths... TDL UK
I'm in love.
I'm in love with my best friend, been married 3 years. It really does get
better with time! Can't wait to enjoy the rest of my life with him :)
PL, California 9/9/06
I'm living in the very south of Germany near the Austrian border and she
lives in the very north of Germany near the Danish border. It's a distance
of about 1000 km. Now I'm looking for a job there in the north.
10 Sep 06 ZB
yeeah i'm in love too!i live in europe and he lives in the states!but we
can't see our lives without each other!love is great!

Yep, married for 25 years and still in love.
I wish.... I was, she wasn't, oh well....
Fall in lovewith yourself first and you'll always be happy :)
Yes I am, been married for 11 yrs and we have 2 wonderful children, a girl
and a boy.
I'm madly in love with a married man...wicked i know, but i didnt ask to
fall in love, it just happened....3yrs ago. I have no idea what is to
become of us. I have fallen out of love with my partner of 22yrs, we are
more like bother
no i'm not. :( :( :( :(
any offers??
I'm in love, and have been married for 2 years. Marriage is not always
easy, but it is much more long lasting than the bozos who said they loved
me before!
i love my bf so much and i miss him so much
love? what's that?
Yes, I am. Everyone should with someone.
Some days more than others.
love it is beautiful!!!
While I very much love my wife, I fear that our marriage is crumbling due
in great part to my resistance to intimacy.
Hi,Do you live in California??
hope you are all happy, 10/01/06
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Well its my 4 year wedding anniversary tomorrow! Although there are days I
could just throttle him, he is my best bud and I do love him. Hope we are
still going strong in another 50!
yes and I have been faithfull to my husband for 16 years
I see there are alot of love birds out there, good luck always darlings.
Some of us will never have that love thing going for us, just wasn't
mean't to be.
how do you know if you are really in love, or you just think you are?
If you have to ask that then you have never been in love.
Still in love after 13 years. Maybe not as fiery as in the beginning, but
better somehow. Like the comfort zone but with still some spark, very
nice indeed!
Completely crazy about my husband of 12 yrs! Bd
yes, I'm in love... and isn't it wonderful to see so many ppl in love
I'm in love with Nancy's husband. I can have him sexually but that is the
only way. boo hoo
No. and I never want to be. I have to much other stuff going on and Im
VERY happy!
Yes, to my husband of almost 28 years!! as/tn
Yes I am in love with that great man of mine BUT I don't think he loves me
back the way I need to be....Chula Vista, CA 10/29/06
No, but thanks for asking.
No. Used to be, but fell out of love with my husband. a few years ago.
We're still together for the kids. Congratulations to all of you who have
managed to keep that lovin' feelin' going.

~Oceangram found by Sera~
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