Besides the physical, what's the greatest difference between men and women?
Not much, both play to many games.
go and read a book
Women are intelligent...men are not
Everything. Men and women are wired completely differently.
men and women both have different trates about them.

Men think logically and women think emotinally......at least that's what my husband says!!

I agree as with the above comment. Generally speaking, men are more logical and women more emotional. In extreme situations this creates a man that can't say "I Love You" and a woman that can't balance a check book.
- Before you blast me, I said extreme situations. I do believe there is a women out there somewhere that can keep the checkbook balanced. :)
Like the book says "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus".
Yes, I think that if your question is serious (whatever "serious" means in the context of messages in a virtual bottle) then the book mentioned by the last writer is a good place to Start. It is not entirely accurate but it will suggest some of the right questions and who to ask.
Women use the left side of the brain and Men the right unless you are gay.
men and women are created equal with equal differences so as to be a complete human when they come together in marriage. unfortunately we tend to miss interpret and distort these traits, blurring reality.
On your way little bottle..... sh
I am constantly surprised at how alike men and women really are, and it is hard to paint them all with the same brush. However, I heard recently that men have an area in the brain that rules sexual pursuit and it is twice as large as the corresponding area in a woman's brain.
I also think women are trained from childhood to share rather than compete. If we say, "that same thing happened to me," it's because we want to show empathy with the other woman, whereas when men say it, it might be to "top" the other account with a better story.
Bottle story love story miraculous story
~Oceangram found by Sera~
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