The new Oceangram version has been released.
Here's the announcement about the new version from the "Lighthouse Report."
We are glad to announce the release of the new Oceangram, featuring enhanced graphics of a new beach for your enjoyment. You should see the new Oceangram on your computer automatically as you load the oceangram homepage at www.oceangram.com.
If you are new to Oceangram, we invite you to join the thousands of users around the world who are enjoying this exciting free service. Click here to learn how to use Oceangram.
As for the existing fans, here are the new features in this release in addition to the new beach. The option to discard a message has been replaced by the 'retire' feature. The 'retire' feature requires 3 users who receive the message to retire it before it is removed from the system permanently. This will ensure the message is not removed unfairly by mistake. The option to report an abusive message is also added. Oceangram's blogger Sera has added a chat feature that oceangrammers can use, besides all the other useful and fun information that she has arranged in her blog for the enjoyment of Oceangram's fans.
We want to thank all of you for using Oceangram, and we hope you will enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed creating it. Remember that you can tell your friends about Oceangram by sending them a Target Oceangram.
Oceangram is a free service that is totally maintained by the advertisements on this website and from the sale of message in a bottle Oceangrams at the Oceangram Store. You can support Oceangram by considering these merchants for your next purchase.
If you are not sure if you are using the new or old version of Oceangram, look for the version number that appears on the left side of the Oceangram graphics screen under the rocks, if you see v2.0 then you are using the new version. If you don't see the version number at all, press the refresh button on your browser to load the updated version. You may have to empty the cache of your browser if the new version does not load with a simple refresh. Please check the FAQ page to see how to empty the cache.
The Oceangram Team
So, what do you think of the new Oceangram features? Feel free to comment here. I, for one, am excited about the "retire" button replacing the "delete" button. I think this will prevent a lot of needless deletes. You may want to start tracking Oceangrams again and see if it works.
Also, "report abuse" will be an option for those really abusive messages. I wanted a button to vote for "best of" Oceangrams, but maybe that will be in the next version. : )
Happy Oceangramming!
Here is a screenshot of the new Oceangram Store. Maybe a good place to consider for Christmas gifts, hm?

Oh, YES,
Love new version.
Glad to see "REPORT ABUSE"
Past ABUSE messages , (very rare) I didn't want to discard due to the other nice replies in message.
love the new version, so attractive, have a hard time staying awake though with the peaceful waves, they make me think I am in paradise....
GREAT JOB Oceangram Team!!! The new look is terrific. What a fun and relaxing site you have provided for all of us to share. Thank you.
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