Friday, June 06, 2008

Be Happy

“The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be”
There is alot of truth in that.

VERY true!
It's true
That's true
To examine the past, you must drag it into the present. To project the future, you must use up the present moment creating a "what-if" dream that may never come to pass. So which of the three, past-present-future, has a greater reality?
The present.
The present, and I totally agree with the OP as well
Love is all around.
OP: I love what you wrote...I have to really be careful to not look back all the time and to focus on the here and now. Thank you for the reminder!

Peace and Love from BC, Canada
April 9, 2008
you are cazzy man.australia
the present is always here.
load of tosh, sorry!
have a nice day :-)
We're all dead to the past, blind for tomorrow.
All we can do is enjoy this moment we have right now.

Ja tämä syvällinen ajatus sai alkunsa Reflexionin uusimman levyn nimestä.
Ihan niinku ketään kiinnostais.


(Google translator says:
"And this in-depth idea stems from the Reflexionin latest album's name.
Just like anyone kiinnostais.")


Oceangram found June 6, 2008

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