Hello Oceangrammers!
Oceangramming Forums
Have you seen the new forums listed on "Where to Find Oceangrammers?" Be sure to get your own forum listed by commenting on that post. Remember to provide as much detail as possible. I will update the list next Friday.Also, the first Oceangram forum to be featured on this blog will be Bottle Party. If you would like to have your forum be the next in line, please comment here or drop me an email.
Oceangram Archives Website
Be sure and visit the Oceangram Archives. I post oceangrams there daily, and we now have two new archivers, Sunny and Lynn, from the Oceangram Yahoo group. They will be posting oceangrams as well. (Thanks for volunteering!)I hope to begin sorting the archives soon with technorati tags or other category labels which will enable better browsing. However, if you are searching for something in particular, Blogger's search tool "search this blog" which can be found at the top of the blog on the grey navbar, works quite well. It works best if the posts are a few days old (giving google time to crawl the website and record the entries in its cache).
Oceangram Stories Japan
I have started a blog for Japanese Oceangrammers. I'm hoping that a native Japanese speaker will be able to take the blog over. I started it in hopes of facilitating exchange of ideas and translation of Oceangrams between Japanese and English speakers. I began with Japanese because it's the language, besides English, that is most seen on oceangrams recently. Sometime this week I will be talking about online translation tools for Japanese and give some background about the language. Any Japanese speakers (native or not) are welcome to email me with input and advice.Stories from Believers
If you have a story to share about Oceangramming, feel free to submit it by email to Oceangram or Oceangram Stories.Happy Oceangramming!
Hey Sera,
we´re proud that we will be the first forum you feature. Thank you very much!
You're welcome!
~ Sera : )
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