Hello Oceangrammers!
I have a few notes for you this morning:
First I want to ask you for suggestions for this site. I would like to make it fun and useful for you.
Here are some things that I plan to keep doing:
"Where to find Oceangrammers" updates: Please help me keep track of the forums that talk about Oceangramming. If a thread is lost or moved, you can comment on the current "Where to Find Oceangrammers" post and I will add that information to my update. Archive Oceangrams: I will be posting oceangrams on the Oceangram Archive blog and linking to them from here. If your forum is one that closes threads often and even deletes threads (heaven forbid!), and you don't want your favorite oceangrams to disappear, please email me and I will be happy to "archive" them here for you. Incorporate "Stories from Believers" into the Oceangram Stories blog: There are some great stories that were sent to Oceangram.com. I will be reposting them and posting new ones that are sent in to Oceangram.
Here are some things I'm considering:
A regular feature on forums that "oceangram." I would pick one forum a week to talk about. If you are a forum regular and would like your forum to be the first "featured," email me. A regular feature on countries with a large percentage of oceangrammers.This would be dependant on me finding bilingual oceangrammers that can tell me a bit about their "oceangram" experience. If you are such a person and are interested, email me.
I also plan to talk more about language tools available on the web, create an "acronyms of Oceangram" page, and talk a little about oceangramming for "newbies."
Please feel free to comment on any of these things or send me your ideas. You can use the email link on the front page of Oceangram Stories.

(Amy, just so you know, Bottlewriter, of the Bottle Party forum has conferred upon you the honorary title of "Bottle Millionaire" should you choose to accept it. Go check that out. : )
On to our story: We can deduce that the one millionth oceangram would have come probably seconds before the million and first which arrived at 1:52 am (GMT) on Sunday, August 20th.
~~Well, we were all close so runner-up prizes all around!~~Donna Piranha guessed that the message would arrive in Canada on Saturday, but she did not specify which time zone she was speaking of. (It was Saturday night in America, so she could have been "right" :) Bottlewriter said it would come on Sunday afternon, but also didn't specify where. I said it would come on Sunday at 6 pm GMT. Shawn Kashou, of Oceangram, guessed that it would arrive in Germany (unconfirmed).
Last but not least, here are some oceangrams from the Oceangram Gallery.
1 comment:
we have a topic just for this site xx
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