I just wanted to let you know that I won't be updating this site for about a week or so. I need to concentrate on a few other projects and on some redesign I'm doing. If all goes well, I'll be moving the site to Blogger Beta (with catagories) so things will be easier to find. I will still check my email and comments, and post Oceangrams to the archives. I will also be posting to and reading the Oceangram Stories Group. (Feel free to join us there :)
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*To email Sera Kate, see the link on the sidebar of this blog
*Blog posts are moderated (meaning I must approve them first to prevent spam), but it's easy to comment, and I accept anonymous comments.
Sera Kate's Latest Project
I'm working to help children and teachers use Oceangram as a tool for understanding people and cultures around the world. Please email me with your comments and suggestions. I'd love to hear them!In the meantime...
Happy Oceangramming!
~Sera Kate : )

If we could all continue to trust each other, learn from each other, share our differences and rejoice in our common goals ... what a wonderful world this would be.
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